Pontianak, by Byeoloved
I had no schooling in romance
or of life’s finer ways
for mine was but a rover’s stance.
I sought no lover’s gaze
or arms in which I’d lead the dance
‘neath heaven’s guiding rays.
But as I sheltered from that night
in hope I might restore
my spirits to their former height
a shape came to the door;
a beauty of such pure delight
I had not known before
She shimmered in her silken dress,
her eyes lit up the room
and though I felt a vague distress
my form would soon assume
a joyous glow – this souceress
spun threads upon her loom.
In golden threads my soul was bound,
her force did not relent
Her raven locks fell to the ground
as over me she bent
but from the night I heard the sound;
a sorrowful lament.
-Nick Baker