Sandwoman of Kharga, by Sheryn Speldewinde
Aahmas, child of the moon. Her mother was a renowned priestess at the temple of Hibis, she learned many rituals by watching her mother perform. She was special compared to other children, she was a seer and also had the ability to alter fractions of a person’s memories at her will. Her mother made her swear to keep it dormant and hidden. Nobody was to know of her gift as it was a dangerous gift, an offence to the gods. After the death of her mother, Aahmas soon rose to be the head priestess at the temple as people respected her insight and wisdom even more so than her mother. She became so well known that the Pharaoh sent his son to ask for wisdom from Aahmas. However, upon meeting her, the prince was mesmerised by her beauty and intelligence. He brought her back to his palace to wed her.
Now that she was the royal priestess and wife, Aahmas still kept her gift a secret. However one cold night, upon witnessing a savage act of her lady in waiting by one of the palace guards, Aahmas changed her memories while she slept out of pity. But nothing goes unnoticed in the royal palace and soon the prince was notified by one of his many mistresses, due to their jealousy of Aahmas. The Royal council, many of whom their daughters are part of the prince’s harem, accused Aahmas of black magic, each to their own gain and position in the royal hierarchy. Blinded by the council and by his mistress, and persuaded by fear, the Prince sentenced her to death.
Feeling betrayed by her beloved, she prayed to the gods, hoping that he would see the truth. But the gods did not answer, Aahmas was beheaded and her eyes were removed from her skull so that she would not see anymore even in the afterlife.
However, one goddess took pity on her and granted her a second chance, to be a spirit that guides people’s dreams. The goddess placed a thick necklace around her neck so head and body will be attached, and gold liquid as her eyes, as she treasured her sight as so. Aahmas served the goddess as the sandwoman, drifting in and out of people’s dreams. Making the time go faster or slower in your dreams, constantly altering the dimensions of your subconscious.