The Night Mermaid, by FaritsRiley
When I was young, I used to spend time in a small town with a beach during my holidays. Me and my parents used to stay in this small house by the beach. During my sojourn at the small town, I visited a small restaurant with my parents to eat dinner and I happened to eavesdrop a local who told his friends to stay away from the beach, which they do not understand why.
The local told a story about a mermaid that is seen lurking at night on a big rock at the beach and the bad smell of human bodies can be smelt from afar. He also claimed that the mermaid is not friendly and it is dangerous, hostile and evil and would eat anyone it encounters without provocation. His friends laughed off of this story, finding it too ridiculous.
I, on the other hand, was curious and wanting to know if his story is true. So, I planned to sneak out of the house to find this mysteriously hostile mermaid. After my parents were asleep, I snuck out of the house and wandered around the beach, trying to find this mermaid. After continuous searching and having found a big rock the local talked about, I discovered nothing but a bunch of skeletons lying around the beach, smelling bad, and the mermaid was nowhere to be seen. Until, I heard an eerily beautiful singing voice that is soothing. So soothing that I became distracted. I sat on the small rock, completely mesmerised by the voice but the mesmerisation disappeared when the mermaid splashed out of the sea. While glaring at me evilly with the intention to kill me, it was seen devouring a hand. Knowing that I will be killed, I decided to run away back to the house, she tried to attack me but because of how fast I ran, she didn’t get to catch me at all.
Despite reaching for the house safely, I am traumatised about what has just happened to me at the beach. Ever since then, I do not visit beaches anymore.