Our Story

The idea

Koopseni started with a small group of friends, all with architectural background, coming together to share, create and collaborate art amongst other creative works. We’re bringing our casual groupie collaboration sessions up a notch higher, and now venturing into a more professional practice.

Koopseni is now a registered design studio with combined skillset in spacial & product design, modern & contemporary art, fashion, crafts, traditional & digital illustration, visual communication & production, and animation amongst other things. We’re looking to expand in ways that will probably surprise ourselves more than others hehe. Baby steps!

The platform that we are today, we aim to create a vibrant creative community that continuously sustain and help our fellow creatives of different backgrounds by providing a personalised, hassle-free, public-friendly & easy-to-use online shop to showcase their talent and art.

We strive to achieve the balance of making art and design accessible for everyone and also ensuring that creatives get their well deserved pay!

Art should be fun, enjoyable, and shared with everyone.

The name

Koopseni somewhat translates into The Arts Cooperative. Stemming from the local Malaysian culture of kooperasi sekolah (the school cooperative)–the shorter, fancier word ko’op refers to your typical, in-house find-everything-here shop. Seni literally means art–and that is exactly what Koopseni strives to be: a shop of everything art, and art can be anything.

Sell with us

Where we found strength and courage in friends, we hope that Koopseni can also be the source of comfort for other emerging creatives.

Market yourself through Koopseni!

Use our platform to sell your art and we’ll help to produce and package them to your best interest. Join us and help make art more accessible for everyone.

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