Greetings Traveller,
Welcome to our humble bookstore,
We have various tales to offer here,
Don’t mind the rotting décor,
There really is nothing to fear!
Take a look at these frightful tales,
From urban myths and dark tragedies,
Oh yes, do ignore the moaning wails,
Take a seat and we’ll rustle up some dreadful fantasies.
All we ask for is a measure of your time,
But beware how much you leave on this shelf,
For when the clock starts to chime,
Don’t forget to save some for yourself!
BOO! is an illustrative compilation of short-form horrors, spooks and terror tales by various creatives. We open every October for a limited time–so enter at your own risk!
This year, we’re exploring folklores, urban myths & cultural tales interpreted by YOUR creative work. Which of these will frighten or delight you?
Editor’s Note
We’ve worked super hard on this–with a lot of mishaps & really bad service coverage in between. All the love & gratitude goes to the team, friends, family, and especially our fellow creatives.This is a major upscale from our previous edition and we hope you enjoy (&hopefully discover new fav creatives along the way. We’re honestly just here to share the love lol).
Ps: Best advice to read them in bed… right before you sleep… in the dark… Maybe you’ll scare your bed bugs away? Ha.
xx lini
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary…”

by Koopseni
Enter at your own risk…

Deep Water Darkness
by nyounggui
The deeper it gets the lower my heart sinks. Terrifying creatures await the pitch black bottom I think. Where am i–Is it the pool? Is it the sea? Or is the lake? I can’t guarantee…

Hantu Air
by Nana Shaa
Imagine being a kid and reading folklore tales about Sungai Sembilang for the first time. How a woman named Suri was doomed to be an ugly form of mutant fish called Sembilang…

Tasik Chini
by Wan Aqmar Zulkifli
On this artwork, it show a Tasik Chini. Based on folklore, a large dragon known as Naga Seri Gumum, is said to inhabit Lake Chini and the story is also displayed on a large sign…

by Byeoloved
I had no schooling in romance, or of life’s finer ways, for mine was but a rover’s stance. I sought no lover’s gaze, or arms in which I’d lead the dance, ‘neath heaven’s guiding rays.

A Tribute to Vampiria
by ashzen
Trapped in the bloody narrative till the end, all they ever drink needs bled, supposedly immortal, supposedly pale, supposedly consuming only red, blood sucking vampiria, they.

by Evil Birdy
Morana is a Slavic pagan goddess associated with death, rebirth and the changing of seasons. In the old myths she would die at the end of every winter and her death would signal the beginning of spring.

The Penny Lady
by Jonathan Jayasuria
Ex-libris derives from the Latin translation which means “from the library of” used as an inscription on a bookplate to show the name of the book’s owner, (Jonathan Jayasuria) in this case…

Fairy Godmother
by matroskyy
You’ve all heard the tales, probably. The tales of a fairy godmother are no stranger to popular culture. However, this is not your usual tales. Her powers grow beyond control and swallowed her heart…

PontiEnak–Perfume for the Paranormal
by Shannon Chan
This spoopy comic is based on the superstition that every South East Asian has definitely heard growing up: ignore strange, foul, or floral smells, especially when you’re alone at night.

What Lurks in the Shadows
by Kat
“The body was pitch black with no face. I couldn’t comprehend how long the limbs were. I wasn’t imagining anything. It was moving. We made “eye” contact; I looked at it, It looked at me.

The Prison Witch | Doctor
by Naomi Chear
‘You’ fainted underneath a blossom tree. ‘You’ were covered with fresh blood. ‘You’ are my family. ‘You’ are my beloved brother. To revive ‘You’, ‘I’ had to picked up the needling instruments to feed…