Seller Guide

Your Seller Account & Your Shop

Your Seller Account

As a registered seller, you will have access to Seller navigation links on the website. You will be able to manage your shop, see your order overview and read the latest Seller news.

Your art belongs to you!

We do not accept stolen art. As an artist you bear sole responsibility and reserve the right and intellectual property to your creative works.

Your Shop Products

Upload your final print file according to the size of the products requested. Artworks with compromised quality will not be processed. In such cases, we will notify to re-upload your files.

  • Resolution: 300ppi
  • Accepted file format: .jpeg, .png, .tif, .pdf.
  • File size: 75MB maximum

Your Creative Profit

Your Profit

For every purchase of your artwork, you will receive royalty of up to 75% net profit (after deduction of production cost) depending on your product type.

Payout every 2 weeks

We will transfer the profit from your sales to your registered bank or Paypal accounts every 2 weeks.

You will be notified for each payout via email and a detailed invoice will be uploaded to your order overview page.

Restrictions & Account Termination

Prohibited items

We do not accept artworks that promote hate speech, violence, racism, or is political, abusive, vulgar, obscene, or offensive.

You must be above 18

Minors wishing to sell their artworks may do so with parent or legal guardian’s permission.

Account termination

Extended inactivity or any term violation will lead to account termination.You can also request to delete your shop & account at any time. We will remove your shop page and products on the website upon termination.

Our Services

Printing + Production

Koopseni fulfills your printing and production for you. We are currently expanding our library of products so you will have more options in the future. 

Packaging + Shipping

Koopseni handles packaging and shipping of your products to your customer. We have courier service integration for both domestic and international shipping. 

Shop Management

Koopseni manages your shopfront. We use our platform to reach to a global audience and ease transaction between buyer and seller. 

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